Title: | Antigen T Cell Interaction Estimation |
Description: | The Bayesian hierarchical model named antigen-T cell interaction estimation is to estimate the history of the immune pressure on the evolution of the tumor clones.The model is based on the estimation result from Andrew Roth (2014) <doi:10.1038/nmeth.2883>. |
Authors: | Tianshi Lu |
Maintainer: | Tianshi Lu <[email protected]> |
License: | Apache License |
Version: | 1.0 |
Built: | 2025-02-16 05:15:57 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/cran/netie |
The Bayesian hierarchical model named antigen-T cell interaction estimation is to estimate the history of the immune pressure on the evolution of the tumor clones.The model is based on the estimation result from Andrew Roth (2014) <doi:10.1038/nmeth.2883>.
Package: | netie |
Type: | Package |
Title: | Antigen T Cell Interaction Estimation |
Version: | 1.0 |
Date: | 2021-9-28 |
Author: | Tianshi Lu |
Maintainer: | Tianshi Lu <[email protected]> |
Description: | The Bayesian hierarchical model named antigen-T cell interaction estimation is to estimate the history of the immune pressure on the evolution of the tumor clones.The model is based on the estimation result from Andrew Roth (2014) <doi:10.1038/nmeth.2883>. |
Depends: | R (>= 3.6.0) |
License: | Apache License |
NeedsCompilation: | no |
Packaged: | 2021-09-28 14:47:19 UTC; s171162 |
Date/Publication: | 2021-09-29 08:20:05 UTC |
Repository: | https://tianshilu.r-universe.dev |
RemoteUrl: | https://github.com/cran/netie |
RemoteRef: | HEAD |
RemoteSha: | 05b8317f6f6ea2cf0e86d8bf04c2926759ead219 |
Index of help topics:
input_data input_data netie Neoantigen-T cell interaction estimation netie-package Antigen T Cell Interaction Estimation
~~ An overview of how to use the package, including the most important functions ~~ netie(input_data,sigma_square = 100000,alpha = 10,beta = 2,sigma_p_sqr = 0.1,sigma_a_sqr = NULL,max_iter =1000,multi_sample = T) Please refer to https://github.com/tianshilu/Netie for more details.
Tianshi Lu
Maintainer: Tianshi Lu <[email protected]>
data(input_data) netie(input_data,sigma_square=100000,alpha=10,beta=2, sigma_p_sqr=0.1,max_iter=1000,multi_sample=TRUE)
data(input_data) netie(input_data,sigma_square=100000,alpha=10,beta=2, sigma_p_sqr=0.1,max_iter=1000,multi_sample=TRUE)
one kidney cancer patient with 2 samples
A data frame with 297 observations on the following 7 variables.
a character vector
a character vector
a numeric vector
a numeric vector
a numeric vector
a numeric vector
a numeric vector
data(input_data) ## maybe str(input_data) ; plot(input_data) ...
data(input_data) ## maybe str(input_data) ; plot(input_data) ...
The Bayesian Hierarchical Model named Neoantigen-T cell interaction estimation (Netie) is to estimate the history of the immune pressure on the evolution of the tumor clones.
netie(input_one_patient,sigma_square,alpha,beta, sigma_p_sqr,sigma_a_sqr,max_iter,multi_sample)
netie(input_one_patient,sigma_square,alpha,beta, sigma_p_sqr,sigma_a_sqr,max_iter,multi_sample)
input_one_patient |
a list with each data frame as the data for each patient. Each data frame consists 7 columns and each row is for one mutation. Please refer to https://github.com/tianshilu/Netie for more details. |
sigma_square |
hyperparameters for prior distributions. Please refer to https://github.com/tianshilu/Netie for more details. |
alpha |
hyperparameters for prior distributions. Please refer to https://github.com/tianshilu/Netie for more details. |
beta |
hyperparameters for prior distributions. Please refer to https://github.com/tianshilu/Netie for more details. |
sigma_p_sqr |
hyperparameters for prior distributions. Please refer to https://github.com/tianshilu/Netie for more details. |
sigma_a_sqr |
hyperparameters for prior distributions. Please refer to https://github.com/tianshilu/Netie for more details. |
max_iter |
the iterations of Markov chain Monte Carlo. |
multi_sample |
use True if one patient has more than one sample. |
The output is a list with the information of the anti-tumor selection pressure for each clone ac and for the whole tumor a.
Tianshi Lu
##---- Should be DIRECTLY executable !! ---- ##-- ==> Define data, use random, ##-- or do help(data=index) for the standard data sets. data(input_data) netie(input_data,sigma_square=100000,alpha=10,beta=2, sigma_p_sqr=0.1,max_iter=1000,multi_sample=TRUE) ## The function is currently defined as function (input_one_patient, sigma_square, alpha, beta, sigma_p_sqr, sigma_a_sqr, max_iter, multi_sample = FALSE) { if (all(input_one_patient$neo_load[!is.na(input_one_patient$cluster_id)] == 0)) { return(NA) } input_one_patient = input_one_patient[!is.na(input_one_patient$cluster_id), ] if (multi_sample == T) { mutations = unlist(sapply(input_one_patient$mutation_id, function(x) paste(strsplit(x, " ")[[1]][2], strsplit(x, " ")[[1]][3]))) input_one_patient$neo_load = unlist(sapply(mutations, function(x) max(input_one_patient[mutations == x, "neo_load"]))) phi = "1" clones = list() clones[[id = "1"]] = mutations[paste(input_one_patient$sample_id, input_one_patient$cluster_id) == paste(input_one_patient$sample_id, input_one_patient$cluster_id)[1]] for (each_clone in unique(paste(input_one_patient$sample_id, input_one_patient$cluster_id))[-1]) { mutations_one_clone = mutations[paste(input_one_patient$sample_id, input_one_patient$cluster_id) == each_clone] phi_tmp = unlist(sapply(1:length(clones), function(x) { uniq_clone = clones[[x]] shared_mutations = intersect(uniq_clone, mutations_one_clone) if (length(shared_mutations)/length(uniq_clone) > 0.5 & length(shared_mutations)/length(mutations_one_clone) > 0.5) { return(names(clones)[x]) } }), use.names = FALSE) if (!is.null(phi_tmp)) { phi = c(phi, phi_tmp) } else { phi_tmp = max(as.numeric(names(clones))) + 1 phi = c(phi, phi_tmp) clones[[id = as.character(phi_tmp)]] = mutations_one_clone } } names(phi) = unique(paste(input_one_patient$sample_id, input_one_patient$cluster_id)) } if (length(unique(input_one_patient$cluster_id)) > 1) { if (is.null(sigma_a_sqr)) { non_zero_neo_avg = sapply(unique(input_one_patient$cluster_id), function(x) mean(input_one_patient[input_one_patient$cluster_id == x & input_one_patient$neo_load != 0, "neo_load"])) non_zero_neo_avg[is.nan(non_zero_neo_avg)] = 0 sigma_a_sqr = sd(log(non_zero_neo_avg + 1))^2 * 10 if (sigma_a_sqr == 0) { sigma_a_sqr = 1 } } } else { sigma_a_sqr = 1 } if (sigma_square < 100 * sigma_a_sqr) { print("sigma square should be much more larger than sigma a square!") stop() } if (alpha <= beta) { print("alpha should be larger than beta!") stop() } if (multi_sample == T) { max_vaf = unlist(sapply(mutations, function(x) max(input_one_patient[mutations == x, "variant_allele_frequency"]))) input_one_patient = input_one_patient[max_vaf > 0.05, ] } else { input_one_patient = input_one_patient[input_one_patient$variant_allele_frequency > 0.05, ] } tmp = table(input_one_patient$cluster_id[input_one_patient$neo_load > 0]) tmp = names(tmp[tmp >= 1]) input_one_patient = input_one_patient[input_one_patient$cluster_id %in% tmp, ] tmp = table(input_one_patient$cluster_id) tmp = names(tmp[tmp >= 2]) input_one_patient = input_one_patient[input_one_patient$cluster_id %in% tmp, ] if (dim(input_one_patient)[1] == 0) { return(NA) } if (multi_sample == T) { input_one_patient$phi = as.numeric(phi[paste(input_one_patient$sample_id, input_one_patient$cluster_id)]) input_one_patient$cluster_id = as.numeric(factor(paste(input_one_patient$sample_id, input_one_patient$cluster_id))) phi_cluster = input_one_patient[, c("cluster_id", "phi")] phi_cluster = phi_cluster[!duplicated(phi_cluster$cluster_id), ] rownames(phi_cluster) = as.character(phi_cluster$cluster_id) phi_cluster = phi_cluster[as.character(unique(input_one_patient$cluster_id)), ] } else { input_one_patient$cluster_id = as.numeric(factor(input_one_patient$cluster_id)) } input_one_patient[input_one_patient$neo_load > 150, "neo_load"] = 150 ac = bc = rep(0, length(unique(input_one_patient$cluster_id))) pi = 0.5 a = 0 zck_list = list() ac_list = list() bc_list = list() acp_rate_ac_list = list() acp_rate_bc_list = list() a_all = c() pi_all = c() for (iter in 1:max_iter) { if (iter/1000 == round(iter/1000)) { cat(paste("Iteration", iter, "\n")) print(ac) print(ac) print(bc) print(acp_rate_ac) print(acp_rate_bc) } acp_rate_ac = rep(FALSE, length(unique(input_one_patient$cluster_id))) acp_rate_bc = rep(FALSE, length(unique(input_one_patient$cluster_id))) zck_df = input_one_patient[, c("mutation_id", "cluster_id")] zck_df$zck = 1 if (multi_sample == T) { for (p in 1:length(unique(input_one_patient$phi))) { input_each_phi = input_one_patient[input_one_patient$phi == unique(input_one_patient$phi)[p], ] for (c in unique(input_each_phi$cluster_id)) { input_each_clone = input_each_phi[input_each_phi$cluster_id == c, ] vck = input_each_clone$variant_allele_frequency lambda = exp(ac[c] * vck + bc[c]) nck = input_each_clone$neo_load r_tmp = pi * (nck == 0)/(pi * (nck == 0) + (1 - pi) * dpois(nck, lambda, log = F)) r_tmp_deno = pi * (nck == 0) + (1 - pi) * dpois(nck, lambda, log = F) r_tmp[r_tmp_deno == 0] = 0 zck = 1 * (runif(length(nck), 0, 1) > r_tmp) names(zck) = input_each_clone$mutation_id zck_df$zck[zck_df$mutation_id %in% names(zck)] = zck bc_prim = rnorm(1, bc[c], sqrt(sigma_p_sqr)) lambda_prim_b = exp(ac[c] * vck + bc_prim) lambda = exp(ac[c] * vck + bc[c]) tmp_prim = sum((zck == 1) * dpois(nck, lambda_prim_b, log = T)) tmp = sum((zck == 1) * dpois(nck, lambda, log = T)) llhr_b = exp(tmp_prim - bc_prim^2/(2 * sigma_square) - tmp + bc[c]^2/(2 * sigma_square)) acceptance_function_b = min(1, llhr_b) u = runif(1, 0, 1) if (u <= acceptance_function_b) { bc[c] = bc_prim acp_rate_bc[c] = TRUE } } input_each_phi$bc = bc[input_each_phi$cluster_id] input_each_phi$ac = ac[c] vck_phi = input_each_phi$variant_allele_frequency lambda_phi = exp(input_each_phi$ac * vck_phi + input_each_phi$bc) nck_phi = input_each_phi$neo_load zck_phi = zck_df[input_each_phi$mutation_id, "zck"] ac_prim = rnorm(1, ac[c], sqrt(sigma_p_sqr)) lambda_prim_a = exp(ac_prim * vck_phi + input_each_phi$bc) tmp_prim = sum((zck_phi == 1) * dpois(nck_phi, lambda_prim_a, log = T)) tmp = sum((zck_phi == 1) * dpois(nck_phi, lambda_phi, log = T)) if (length(table(input_one_patient$cluster_id)) == 1) { llhr_a = exp(tmp_prim - ac_prim^2/(2 * sigma_square) - tmp + ac[c]^2/(2 * sigma_square)) } else { llhr_a = exp(tmp_prim - (ac_prim - a)^2/(2 * sigma_a_sqr) - tmp + (ac[c] - a)^2/(2 * sigma_a_sqr)) } acceptance_function_a = min(1, llhr_a) u = runif(1, 0, 1) if (u <= acceptance_function_a) { ac[phi_cluster$phi == unique(input_each_clone$phi)] = ac_prim acp_rate_ac[c] = TRUE } } pi = rbeta(1, alpha + sum((zck_df$zck == 0) * (input_one_patient$neo_load == 0)), beta + sum(zck_df$zck == 1)) A = 1/sigma_square + length(unique(input_one_patient$phi))/sigma_a_sqr B = sum(ac[!duplicated(phi_cluster$phi)])/sigma_a_sqr a = rnorm(1, B/A, sqrt(1/A)) ac_list[[iter]] = ac bc_list[[iter]] = bc zck_list[[iter]] = zck_df$zck acp_rate_ac_list[[iter]] = acp_rate_ac acp_rate_bc_list[[iter]] = acp_rate_bc a_all = c(a_all, a) pi_all = c(pi_all, pi) } else { for (c in 1:length(unique(input_one_patient$cluster_id))) { input_each_clone = input_one_patient[input_one_patient$cluster_id == unique(input_one_patient$cluster_id)[c], ] vck = input_each_clone$variant_allele_frequency lambda = exp(ac[c] * vck + bc[c]) nck = input_each_clone$neo_load r_tmp = pi * (nck == 0)/(pi * (nck == 0) + (1 - pi) * dpois(nck, lambda, log = F)) r_tmp_deno = pi * (nck == 0) + (1 - pi) * dpois(nck, lambda, log = F) r_tmp[r_tmp_deno == 0] = 0 zck = 1 * (runif(length(nck), 0, 1) > r_tmp) names(zck) = input_each_clone$mutation_id zck_df$zck[zck_df$mutation_id %in% names(zck)] = zck ac_prim = rnorm(1, ac[c], sqrt(sigma_p_sqr)) lambda_prim_a = exp(ac_prim * vck + bc[c]) tmp_prim = sum((zck == 1) * dpois(nck, lambda_prim_a, log = T)) tmp = sum((zck == 1) * dpois(nck, lambda, log = T)) if (length(table(input_one_patient$cluster_id)) == 1) { llhr_a = exp(tmp_prim - ac_prim^2/(2 * sigma_square) - tmp + ac[c]^2/(2 * sigma_square)) } else { llhr_a = exp(tmp_prim - (ac_prim - a)^2/(2 * sigma_a_sqr) - tmp + (ac[c] - a)^2/(2 * sigma_a_sqr)) } acceptance_function_a = min(1, llhr_a) u = runif(1, 0, 1) if (u <= acceptance_function_a) { ac[c] = ac_prim acp_rate_ac[c] = TRUE } bc_prim = rnorm(1, bc[c], sqrt(sigma_p_sqr)) lambda_prim_b = exp(ac[c] * vck + bc_prim) lambda = exp(ac[c] * vck + bc[c]) tmp_prim = sum((zck == 1) * dpois(nck, lambda_prim_b, log = T)) tmp = sum((zck == 1) * dpois(nck, lambda, log = T)) llhr_b = exp(tmp_prim - bc_prim^2/(2 * sigma_square) - tmp + bc[c]^2/(2 * sigma_square)) acceptance_function_b = min(1, llhr_b) u = runif(1, 0, 1) if (u <= acceptance_function_b) { bc[c] = bc_prim acp_rate_bc[c] = TRUE } } pi = rbeta(1, alpha + sum((zck_df$zck == 0) * (input_one_patient$neo_load == 0)), beta + sum(zck_df$zck == 1)) A = 1/sigma_square + length(unique(input_one_patient$cluster_id))/sigma_a_sqr B = sum(ac)/sigma_a_sqr a = rnorm(1, B/A, sqrt(1/A)) ac_list[[iter]] = ac bc_list[[iter]] = bc zck_list[[iter]] = zck_df$zck acp_rate_ac_list[[iter]] = acp_rate_ac acp_rate_bc_list[[iter]] = acp_rate_bc a_all = c(a_all, a) pi_all = c(pi_all, pi) } } keep = round(max_iter/2):max_iter ac_final = Reduce("+", ac_list[keep])/length(keep) bc_final = Reduce("+", bc_list[keep])/length(keep) zck_df_final = round(Reduce("+", zck_list[keep])/length(keep)) names(zck_df_final) = zck_df$mutation_id ac_rate = Reduce("+", acp_rate_ac_list[keep])/length(keep) bc_rate = Reduce("+", acp_rate_bc_list[keep])/length(keep) a_final = mean(a_all[keep]) pi_final = mean(pi_all[keep]) if (multi_sample == TRUE) { final_parameters = list(zck = data.frame(zck_df_final), ac = ac_final, bc = bc_final, acp_rate_ac = ac_rate, a = a_final, acp_rate_bc = bc_rate, pi = pi_final, phi_cluster = phi_cluster) } else { final_parameters = list(zck = data.frame(zck_df_final), ac = ac_final, bc = bc_final, acp_rate_ac = ac_rate, a = a_final, acp_rate_bc = bc_rate, pi = pi_final) } all_parameters = list(zck = zck_list, ac = ac_list, bc = bc_list, a = a_all, pi = pi_all) result = list(all_parameters = all_parameters, final_parameters = final_parameters) return(result) }
##---- Should be DIRECTLY executable !! ---- ##-- ==> Define data, use random, ##-- or do help(data=index) for the standard data sets. data(input_data) netie(input_data,sigma_square=100000,alpha=10,beta=2, sigma_p_sqr=0.1,max_iter=1000,multi_sample=TRUE) ## The function is currently defined as function (input_one_patient, sigma_square, alpha, beta, sigma_p_sqr, sigma_a_sqr, max_iter, multi_sample = FALSE) { if (all(input_one_patient$neo_load[!is.na(input_one_patient$cluster_id)] == 0)) { return(NA) } input_one_patient = input_one_patient[!is.na(input_one_patient$cluster_id), ] if (multi_sample == T) { mutations = unlist(sapply(input_one_patient$mutation_id, function(x) paste(strsplit(x, " ")[[1]][2], strsplit(x, " ")[[1]][3]))) input_one_patient$neo_load = unlist(sapply(mutations, function(x) max(input_one_patient[mutations == x, "neo_load"]))) phi = "1" clones = list() clones[[id = "1"]] = mutations[paste(input_one_patient$sample_id, input_one_patient$cluster_id) == paste(input_one_patient$sample_id, input_one_patient$cluster_id)[1]] for (each_clone in unique(paste(input_one_patient$sample_id, input_one_patient$cluster_id))[-1]) { mutations_one_clone = mutations[paste(input_one_patient$sample_id, input_one_patient$cluster_id) == each_clone] phi_tmp = unlist(sapply(1:length(clones), function(x) { uniq_clone = clones[[x]] shared_mutations = intersect(uniq_clone, mutations_one_clone) if (length(shared_mutations)/length(uniq_clone) > 0.5 & length(shared_mutations)/length(mutations_one_clone) > 0.5) { return(names(clones)[x]) } }), use.names = FALSE) if (!is.null(phi_tmp)) { phi = c(phi, phi_tmp) } else { phi_tmp = max(as.numeric(names(clones))) + 1 phi = c(phi, phi_tmp) clones[[id = as.character(phi_tmp)]] = mutations_one_clone } } names(phi) = unique(paste(input_one_patient$sample_id, input_one_patient$cluster_id)) } if (length(unique(input_one_patient$cluster_id)) > 1) { if (is.null(sigma_a_sqr)) { non_zero_neo_avg = sapply(unique(input_one_patient$cluster_id), function(x) mean(input_one_patient[input_one_patient$cluster_id == x & input_one_patient$neo_load != 0, "neo_load"])) non_zero_neo_avg[is.nan(non_zero_neo_avg)] = 0 sigma_a_sqr = sd(log(non_zero_neo_avg + 1))^2 * 10 if (sigma_a_sqr == 0) { sigma_a_sqr = 1 } } } else { sigma_a_sqr = 1 } if (sigma_square < 100 * sigma_a_sqr) { print("sigma square should be much more larger than sigma a square!") stop() } if (alpha <= beta) { print("alpha should be larger than beta!") stop() } if (multi_sample == T) { max_vaf = unlist(sapply(mutations, function(x) max(input_one_patient[mutations == x, "variant_allele_frequency"]))) input_one_patient = input_one_patient[max_vaf > 0.05, ] } else { input_one_patient = input_one_patient[input_one_patient$variant_allele_frequency > 0.05, ] } tmp = table(input_one_patient$cluster_id[input_one_patient$neo_load > 0]) tmp = names(tmp[tmp >= 1]) input_one_patient = input_one_patient[input_one_patient$cluster_id %in% tmp, ] tmp = table(input_one_patient$cluster_id) tmp = names(tmp[tmp >= 2]) input_one_patient = input_one_patient[input_one_patient$cluster_id %in% tmp, ] if (dim(input_one_patient)[1] == 0) { return(NA) } if (multi_sample == T) { input_one_patient$phi = as.numeric(phi[paste(input_one_patient$sample_id, input_one_patient$cluster_id)]) input_one_patient$cluster_id = as.numeric(factor(paste(input_one_patient$sample_id, input_one_patient$cluster_id))) phi_cluster = input_one_patient[, c("cluster_id", "phi")] phi_cluster = phi_cluster[!duplicated(phi_cluster$cluster_id), ] rownames(phi_cluster) = as.character(phi_cluster$cluster_id) phi_cluster = phi_cluster[as.character(unique(input_one_patient$cluster_id)), ] } else { input_one_patient$cluster_id = as.numeric(factor(input_one_patient$cluster_id)) } input_one_patient[input_one_patient$neo_load > 150, "neo_load"] = 150 ac = bc = rep(0, length(unique(input_one_patient$cluster_id))) pi = 0.5 a = 0 zck_list = list() ac_list = list() bc_list = list() acp_rate_ac_list = list() acp_rate_bc_list = list() a_all = c() pi_all = c() for (iter in 1:max_iter) { if (iter/1000 == round(iter/1000)) { cat(paste("Iteration", iter, "\n")) print(ac) print(ac) print(bc) print(acp_rate_ac) print(acp_rate_bc) } acp_rate_ac = rep(FALSE, length(unique(input_one_patient$cluster_id))) acp_rate_bc = rep(FALSE, length(unique(input_one_patient$cluster_id))) zck_df = input_one_patient[, c("mutation_id", "cluster_id")] zck_df$zck = 1 if (multi_sample == T) { for (p in 1:length(unique(input_one_patient$phi))) { input_each_phi = input_one_patient[input_one_patient$phi == unique(input_one_patient$phi)[p], ] for (c in unique(input_each_phi$cluster_id)) { input_each_clone = input_each_phi[input_each_phi$cluster_id == c, ] vck = input_each_clone$variant_allele_frequency lambda = exp(ac[c] * vck + bc[c]) nck = input_each_clone$neo_load r_tmp = pi * (nck == 0)/(pi * (nck == 0) + (1 - pi) * dpois(nck, lambda, log = F)) r_tmp_deno = pi * (nck == 0) + (1 - pi) * dpois(nck, lambda, log = F) r_tmp[r_tmp_deno == 0] = 0 zck = 1 * (runif(length(nck), 0, 1) > r_tmp) names(zck) = input_each_clone$mutation_id zck_df$zck[zck_df$mutation_id %in% names(zck)] = zck bc_prim = rnorm(1, bc[c], sqrt(sigma_p_sqr)) lambda_prim_b = exp(ac[c] * vck + bc_prim) lambda = exp(ac[c] * vck + bc[c]) tmp_prim = sum((zck == 1) * dpois(nck, lambda_prim_b, log = T)) tmp = sum((zck == 1) * dpois(nck, lambda, log = T)) llhr_b = exp(tmp_prim - bc_prim^2/(2 * sigma_square) - tmp + bc[c]^2/(2 * sigma_square)) acceptance_function_b = min(1, llhr_b) u = runif(1, 0, 1) if (u <= acceptance_function_b) { bc[c] = bc_prim acp_rate_bc[c] = TRUE } } input_each_phi$bc = bc[input_each_phi$cluster_id] input_each_phi$ac = ac[c] vck_phi = input_each_phi$variant_allele_frequency lambda_phi = exp(input_each_phi$ac * vck_phi + input_each_phi$bc) nck_phi = input_each_phi$neo_load zck_phi = zck_df[input_each_phi$mutation_id, "zck"] ac_prim = rnorm(1, ac[c], sqrt(sigma_p_sqr)) lambda_prim_a = exp(ac_prim * vck_phi + input_each_phi$bc) tmp_prim = sum((zck_phi == 1) * dpois(nck_phi, lambda_prim_a, log = T)) tmp = sum((zck_phi == 1) * dpois(nck_phi, lambda_phi, log = T)) if (length(table(input_one_patient$cluster_id)) == 1) { llhr_a = exp(tmp_prim - ac_prim^2/(2 * sigma_square) - tmp + ac[c]^2/(2 * sigma_square)) } else { llhr_a = exp(tmp_prim - (ac_prim - a)^2/(2 * sigma_a_sqr) - tmp + (ac[c] - a)^2/(2 * sigma_a_sqr)) } acceptance_function_a = min(1, llhr_a) u = runif(1, 0, 1) if (u <= acceptance_function_a) { ac[phi_cluster$phi == unique(input_each_clone$phi)] = ac_prim acp_rate_ac[c] = TRUE } } pi = rbeta(1, alpha + sum((zck_df$zck == 0) * (input_one_patient$neo_load == 0)), beta + sum(zck_df$zck == 1)) A = 1/sigma_square + length(unique(input_one_patient$phi))/sigma_a_sqr B = sum(ac[!duplicated(phi_cluster$phi)])/sigma_a_sqr a = rnorm(1, B/A, sqrt(1/A)) ac_list[[iter]] = ac bc_list[[iter]] = bc zck_list[[iter]] = zck_df$zck acp_rate_ac_list[[iter]] = acp_rate_ac acp_rate_bc_list[[iter]] = acp_rate_bc a_all = c(a_all, a) pi_all = c(pi_all, pi) } else { for (c in 1:length(unique(input_one_patient$cluster_id))) { input_each_clone = input_one_patient[input_one_patient$cluster_id == unique(input_one_patient$cluster_id)[c], ] vck = input_each_clone$variant_allele_frequency lambda = exp(ac[c] * vck + bc[c]) nck = input_each_clone$neo_load r_tmp = pi * (nck == 0)/(pi * (nck == 0) + (1 - pi) * dpois(nck, lambda, log = F)) r_tmp_deno = pi * (nck == 0) + (1 - pi) * dpois(nck, lambda, log = F) r_tmp[r_tmp_deno == 0] = 0 zck = 1 * (runif(length(nck), 0, 1) > r_tmp) names(zck) = input_each_clone$mutation_id zck_df$zck[zck_df$mutation_id %in% names(zck)] = zck ac_prim = rnorm(1, ac[c], sqrt(sigma_p_sqr)) lambda_prim_a = exp(ac_prim * vck + bc[c]) tmp_prim = sum((zck == 1) * dpois(nck, lambda_prim_a, log = T)) tmp = sum((zck == 1) * dpois(nck, lambda, log = T)) if (length(table(input_one_patient$cluster_id)) == 1) { llhr_a = exp(tmp_prim - ac_prim^2/(2 * sigma_square) - tmp + ac[c]^2/(2 * sigma_square)) } else { llhr_a = exp(tmp_prim - (ac_prim - a)^2/(2 * sigma_a_sqr) - tmp + (ac[c] - a)^2/(2 * sigma_a_sqr)) } acceptance_function_a = min(1, llhr_a) u = runif(1, 0, 1) if (u <= acceptance_function_a) { ac[c] = ac_prim acp_rate_ac[c] = TRUE } bc_prim = rnorm(1, bc[c], sqrt(sigma_p_sqr)) lambda_prim_b = exp(ac[c] * vck + bc_prim) lambda = exp(ac[c] * vck + bc[c]) tmp_prim = sum((zck == 1) * dpois(nck, lambda_prim_b, log = T)) tmp = sum((zck == 1) * dpois(nck, lambda, log = T)) llhr_b = exp(tmp_prim - bc_prim^2/(2 * sigma_square) - tmp + bc[c]^2/(2 * sigma_square)) acceptance_function_b = min(1, llhr_b) u = runif(1, 0, 1) if (u <= acceptance_function_b) { bc[c] = bc_prim acp_rate_bc[c] = TRUE } } pi = rbeta(1, alpha + sum((zck_df$zck == 0) * (input_one_patient$neo_load == 0)), beta + sum(zck_df$zck == 1)) A = 1/sigma_square + length(unique(input_one_patient$cluster_id))/sigma_a_sqr B = sum(ac)/sigma_a_sqr a = rnorm(1, B/A, sqrt(1/A)) ac_list[[iter]] = ac bc_list[[iter]] = bc zck_list[[iter]] = zck_df$zck acp_rate_ac_list[[iter]] = acp_rate_ac acp_rate_bc_list[[iter]] = acp_rate_bc a_all = c(a_all, a) pi_all = c(pi_all, pi) } } keep = round(max_iter/2):max_iter ac_final = Reduce("+", ac_list[keep])/length(keep) bc_final = Reduce("+", bc_list[keep])/length(keep) zck_df_final = round(Reduce("+", zck_list[keep])/length(keep)) names(zck_df_final) = zck_df$mutation_id ac_rate = Reduce("+", acp_rate_ac_list[keep])/length(keep) bc_rate = Reduce("+", acp_rate_bc_list[keep])/length(keep) a_final = mean(a_all[keep]) pi_final = mean(pi_all[keep]) if (multi_sample == TRUE) { final_parameters = list(zck = data.frame(zck_df_final), ac = ac_final, bc = bc_final, acp_rate_ac = ac_rate, a = a_final, acp_rate_bc = bc_rate, pi = pi_final, phi_cluster = phi_cluster) } else { final_parameters = list(zck = data.frame(zck_df_final), ac = ac_final, bc = bc_final, acp_rate_ac = ac_rate, a = a_final, acp_rate_bc = bc_rate, pi = pi_final) } all_parameters = list(zck = zck_list, ac = ac_list, bc = bc_list, a = a_all, pi = pi_all) result = list(all_parameters = all_parameters, final_parameters = final_parameters) return(result) }